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Top 5 Ways to Organize Your Home This Summer

Jun 7, 2023

 Top 5 Ways To Organize Your Home This Summer

Now that we’re in the heart of summer here in the Hampton Roads, there’s no better opportunity or time to take control of a disorganized house and turn it into a space that works better for you! We’ve all heard of spring cleaning, but it’s not always an easy task to conquer while the school year is in full swing and our daily lives are tasked with dozens of commitments for our family.

With our busy schedules winding down during the summer season, this is a great opportunity to enlist the help of your spouse and children and to push the “reset” button on your home before beginning the next school year. Below are 5 tips we at Lavender Maid know believe will help you truly organize your home this summer.

1. Take it One Room at a Time

When it comes to organizing, trying to tackle your entire home all at once is setting yourself up for overwhelm, and likely, failure. The best way to approach a large home project of cleaning and organization is to make a list of which rooms you want to tackle, and take it step-by-step.

The accomplishment you’ll feel after completing just one room will give you the momentum you need to tackle the next, keeping you from becoming burnt out before you’ve completed your entire list of projects.

virginia beach home cleaners

2. Tackle “Forgotten” Spaces

There are spaces within our homes that tend to become easy hideaways for clutter. Most notably, closets or any spaces that allow us to literally close the chaos behind a door.

Make a point to deep clean these small spaces, because they can cause great stress just knowing they exist, even if they aren’t easily visible to others. Make a point before your next grocery store trip to clear out your fridge of expired condiments or goods, and to take each shelf out and give it a good wash in the sink.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised how big of an accomplishment it will feel like to overcome such a small, forgotten space in your home!

3. Purchase Proper Containers and Supplies

We’ve all seen the social media videos of people organizing and restocking their home’s containers of food or other items. There’s a reason those types of videos go viral – organization is therapeutic! It allows you a sense of control in your most cherished space … your home.

By ordering inexpensive but practical storage bins, containers and other supplies, you can drastically transform any space in your home to become more useful, practical, and visually pleasing.

containers for storage

4. Set a Timer

Don’t know where to get started? Just like any amount of exercise is better than no exercise, use the same strategy when it comes to organizing your home. Set a timer for just 15 minutes at the end of your day, after the kids are asleep. Choose to tackle one small thing in those few minutes like cleaning the kitchen counter or folding a load of laundry.

If you don’t complete the task fully in 15 minutes, no worries. The point is that you’ve started, and you dedicated a little time toward the task without feeling like you’ve completely given up your evening of free time that you need to decompress after a long day. The goal is for organizing to be enjoyable, not something you dread doing.


5. Purge and Donate

Any good organization effort means purging your spaces of excess. Whether it’s excess clothing, household items, kitchenware, etc., we as Americans tend to simply have too much stuff. By adding these excess items to a donate pile, you’re freeing yourself of the stress that comes with owning an overwhelming amount of things you don’t use. You can also feel good about passing it along to someone else in need.

donate clothes to keep your home clean

Lavender Maid is here to help when organizing your home seems impossible. Whether it’s simply getting you started and set up for success, or it’s allowing us to periodically clean your home so that you can stay on top of these tasks in your free time, we’re the right team for the job.

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