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New Year, New Home!

Jan 21, 2025

Lavender Maid

New Year, New Home

Five Tips and Tricks to Make Your Home Feel Shiny and New This New Year

by Hannah Munley on January 19, 2024

Happy New Year! What are some of your New Year’s resolutions this year? We’re sure keeping a tidy home and space might be one of them, and at Lavender Maid one of our resolutions is to help you all with your tidy goals. New Year, new you! The new you deserves a new home, or at least that new home, clean feeling. Here are five neat tricks, tips, and habits to try that will help you achieve your resolutions and make your home feel brand new!

1. Micro clean – After a nice deep clean and reset, nothing feels better than keeping your home spick and span. One way to manage this and make a deep clean seem less overwhelming is by starting small and cleaning little things as they are used. For example, you can quickly wipe down the bathroom counter after washing your hands. This ensures that the counter stays clean while you’re thinking about it, but it’s not something that you would have to spend a lot of time on or go out of your way to do.

2. Have a rinsing bucket – This concept often can be overlooked, but when you mop, remember to have both a soap bucket and a rinse bucket. You should use the soapy bucket to mop and use the rinse bucket to dispose of excess gray water. This is a good habit to establish so you don’t end up mopping semi-dirty water back into the floors. 

3. Use olive oil – Did you know that olive oil has many uses when it comes to cleaning? Olive oil can be used to polish stainless steel surfaces so that they shine like new. Olive oil is also a great tool to rid of water rings and other blemishes on wooden surfaces. Olive oil as a cleaning tool is so versatile, so always have some on hand to help you out this year.

4. Make it fun – Cleaning may be a chore, but it doesn’t have to be a bore! Cleaning can be a good time to catch up on that audiobook series or podcast. You could also crank some of your favorite jams to get you in the mood to stay active and motivated. It’s also super fun to call friends and family and have them keep you accountable while having some relaxing conversations. You could make it a competition with yourself or just dance clean as if you were in a music video. Have fun with it!

5. Your best is enough – Remember to always do your best and be proud of it. Sometimes your best won’t always be 100%, but it’s important to give yourself grace and to remind yourself that perfection is not always attainable. Every one of us at Lavander Maid loves and supports you, which is why we love to provide some helpful hacks and establish beneficial habits.

At Lavender Maid, we aim to assist and truly care for our clients. Our mission is to reduce stress and create a relaxing environment for busy women with busy families and households.

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